Control your health care costs with Oonaghi.

Comprehensive health benefit plans that offer employees optimal health outcomes and cost savings by partnering with the most suitable providers for you and your members.

Innovative Plans


Clinical Excellence


Cost-Controling Tools

One Platform


Plan Access + Benefits

Oonaghi is here to deliver health benefit plans that seamlessly combine online access to a platform that offers direct control for enrollment, claims, benefits, and copays. We are pioneering the next level of healthcare evolution.

> Pharmacy Benefits

Comprehensive & Scalable

We simplify the health benefits journey. One platform, full support, 100% transparent.

Whether you already offer employee benefits, seek improved cost management, or are considering adding benefits to your health plan, we have the solution for you. Take control of your healthcare costs and save money. Oonaghi offers direct control over the extra expenses that drive up health care costs.

Predict & Manage Benefits

Oonaghi is a cutting-edge health care platform that enables members to take charge of their costs, save money, and protect their employees health.

Save Time & Money

Say goodbye to sky-high deductibles and astronomical drug costs with Oonaghi’s providers.

Easy Access to Providers

Oonaghi empowers direct online access to what patients need for better health–precisely when they need it.

Happy Employees

Get and retain the cream of the crop employees and keep them happy with Oonaghi’s affordable health benefits.

Oonaghi For

Patient Members

> Direct online access to plan benfits
> Easy onboarding and innovative patient portal
> Claims and copayments 
> Money-saving digital pharmacy

Oonaghi For

Groups & Employers

> Scalable health benefit plans
> One platform, 100% transparency
> Plan dashboards, tools, & analytics
> Protected employees

Unlock Your New Health Plan

Native American, Regional Orgs
& Clinics

Expert guidance to maximize health benefits within your budget. Offer your employees the best possible health benefits experience.

& Health Plans

Our cutting-edge platform is specifically designed to meet the needs of corporate health benefit plans.

Third Party Administrator (TPA) Clients

Navigate organizational health benefits and provider access without co-pays and traditional healthcare roadblocks. 

The Oonaghi Platform

Control Spend With Data-Driven Insights

Oonaghi members have access to platform dashboards and analytics that help forecast, ease onboarding, and control benefits spending. Our dedication is fueled by an unyielding commitment to easing the frustrations of navigating the healthcare system.

> See Oonaghi in Action

The Oonaghi Difference

Effective Healthcare, Controllable Costs

You want healthcare solution designed to prioritize your team’s well-being while also controlling costs. We understand the demands of modern work life, and our affordable, efficient, and tailored approach ensures your employees get the care they need without disrupting their busy schedules. Oonaghi isn’t just about health benefits; it’s about fostering a healthier, more productive work environment. Elevate your team’s well-being with Oonaghi.